
Being the random thoughts of a middle aged overeducated physician, father, and citizen. James M. Small MD PhD. Send me a reply to jmsmall @ mycap.org.

Monday, July 19, 2010


'Twas ternship, and the frantic fleas
did bix and bumble in the trach'.
All bovey were the Ohbeegees,
and uteri did quake.

"Beware the radical neck, my son,
the 'terns that call, the studs that vex.
Beware the Open Lung, and shun
the Hemonc-ish Marrow Techs!"

He took his 'BP' blade in hand,
long time the tumrous nodes he sought,
till wondered he, on a quick D and C,
"Can I ever escape to the pot?"

And as in formalish fumes he pared,
the Radical Neck with Margins Galore
came whuffling in from its Oto-Lair!
He burbled, "Not one more!"

One two! One two! and through and through,
the BP blade went snicker snack.
He froze and dyed, and with the slide,
he came galumphing back.

"And has thou carved the Radical Neck?
Come to my scope, my beamish boy!
A tum'rous node? A canc'rous fleck?
No! Margins free! Oh Joy!"

'Twas ternship, and the frantic fleas
did bix and bumble in the trach'.
All bovey were the Ohbeegees,
and uteri did quake.

James M. Small MD PhD
in honor of his Pathology residency mentor, Thomas V. Colby MD, 1987.

Oh my God! An Arthropod! 

I think my kids shall never see,
a sight as horrid as a bee,
unless they spy upon their pants
a pair of tiny carnivorous ants.

A moth upon the ceiling flits,
sending Becca into fits;
the fits are only exceeded by
those engendered by a fly.

Sarah begs for me to hide her
from the visage of a spider,
or better yet, oh Father Brave,
send that ogre to his grave.

Katie shrieks, "A bug! A BUG!"
"Dad, come quick, I need a hug!"

The world is full of wondrous things
with jointed legs and lacelike wings
so full of life and animated...
my children with them exterminated.

Jim Small 6/17/90

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