
Being the random thoughts of a middle aged overeducated physician, father, and citizen. James M. Small MD PhD. Send me a reply to jmsmall @ mycap.org.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Tsunami relief 

Isn't it amazing? When we in the US have a natural disaster, there are six deaths and a special interest story about the rescue of a family pet. When there is a natural disaster in India or Southeast Asia, the deaths number in the tens of thousands immediately, with who knows how many from Cholera, Typhoid, malnutrition, etc. What do we do?

We can contribute to relief organizations. Hugh Hewitt has links to World Vision, which is a good group. A physician I know has worked with World Relief and has good things to say about them as well.

Consider it! We in the United States are blessed beyond all imagining. We are well taken care of.
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