
Being the random thoughts of a middle aged overeducated physician, father, and citizen. James M. Small MD PhD. Send me a reply to jmsmall @ mycap.org.

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Bleat 

Just read The Bleat. What a hoot. I particularly loved the part about how his daughter didn't want to have a baby because she wants to stay thin, and she's only five. Since I have three daughters, and have been through some of the neuroses about thinness, made me smile. But it's a wistful smile. How sad, that an essential part of the human life cycle, that creates new life with all the excitement and beauty that entails, should be reduced to "it will make my tummy big."

I think pregnant women are beautiful. There, I said it. I do. They are. (daughters, if you are reading this, don't go out just yet and get pregnant! Read the previous post!) Curves are cool, in my eyes. If you're naturally cylindrical, that's OK too, you'll look right. But if you naturally have curves and you starve yourself into thinness, it will show.
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