
Being the random thoughts of a middle aged overeducated physician, father, and citizen. James M. Small MD PhD. Send me a reply to jmsmall @ mycap.org.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Resources for Seekers 

I asked one of my lists for suggestions on resources for a seeker. They came up with a lot!
Dorothy Sayers.
N. T. Wright's The Resurrection of the Son of God
Chesterton: Father Brown, *Orthodoxy, Everlasting Man
C. S. Lewis, *Mere Christianity, *Screwtape Letters, *Surprised by Joy, etc.
Anything by George McDonald and Charles Williams

Charles Colson, especially "How Now Shall We Live"
"*Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell

*The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief" by Francis Collins
The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism" by Tim Keller
The Case for Faith" and "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel
poetry? How about Donne? Or Hopkins? Or Eliot?

How about the Fathers? Or the Philokalia?
How about the latest series by Ann Rice? We are reading the first, and find it very good.
*some of the stuff by Michael O'Brien, which deals with post modernism..
Dostoevsky? Or Solzhenitsyn? Or St. Francis by Kazantzakis? Or some of Franz Werfel's stuff?
O'Connor? Frank or Flannery.
J.F. Powers?

Quite a list! I've read some of these but certainly far from all. (I put a * by the ones I've read.)

Some more: Bishop Fulton Sheen.
Christian Book website abunga.com (weird name. From Sean.) Must be good, CS Lewis is their top selling author.
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